“Who, then, is the faithful and prudent
servant, whom the master has put in charge of his household to distribute to
them their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master on
his arrival finds doing so. Amen, I say to you, he will put him in charge of
all his property. But if that wicked servant says to himself, ‘My master is
long delayed,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and eat and drink with
drunkards, the servant’s master will come on an unexpected day and at an
unknown hour and will punish him severely and assign him a place with the
hypocrites, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.”
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The story is told about a woman who decided to permanently stay in her newly built house. In her two years stay in the said house she had it blessed three times already. And her reason was she always had a feeling that something eerie is going to happen to her in that house. When she was asked if she always has time for God she said that she doesn’t have.
What does it mean to stay awake? It means to always be ready for whatever that may come into our life. We have to be reminded that life is so full of surprises that we cannot predict what may happen to us in the next seconds and minutes.
Earthly preparation is always prudent but nothing beats being prepared spiritually. For spiritual preparation is the best preparation that we could ever do. Whatever that may come to us we would be able to handle if we are spiritually prepared or the simple reason that we are connected with God and who could bring us down if we have God? Nobody!
Let us therefore always be prepared by having a special bond with Jesus. We can begin by reading about His life in the bible. And my making ourselves available for Holy Mass most especially during Sundays.
Are you always prepared? – Marino J.