Friday, June 30, 2017

Reflection for Tuesday July 4, Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time: Matthew 8:23-27

Gospel: Matthew 8:23-27
As Jesus got into a boat, his disciples followed him. Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by waves; but he was asleep. They came and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” He said to them, “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?” Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was great calm. The men were amazed and said, “What sort of man is this, whom even the winds and the sea obey?”
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What is faith? Faith is the fuel that keeps us going in the midst of uncertainty. When the disciples were being tossed by a violent storm they suddenly were overcome by fear. They did not cling to their faith in Jesus considering that HE was also with them.  That’s why Jesus told them: “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?”

Don’t we allow ourselves also to be paralyzed by our unfounded fears? For example, the fear of dying, the fear of sickness and so forth, we often times allow ourselves to be paralyzed by these uncertainties in our lives. However, what if we pray to Jesus and ask Him to help is befriend death, sickness and everything that we fear?

Then, fear will be erased from our mindset permanently, if we have faith in Jesus we need not fear anything that may come to us. Our faith in Jesus is more than enough to strengthen us and conquer all our worries in life.

Next time that we face storms in our lives let us be still, keep calm and firmly hold on to our faith in Jesus. Even if what is ahead of us is a little bit hazy let us have faith. Let us continue to believe that Jesus will never forsake those who believe.

Let us continue to have a laser like focus and faith in Jesus, let us not give space for fear in our hearts. For fear is an instrument of the devil to sway us away from the loving care of Jesus.

If you think you lack faith, humbly ask the Holy Spirit to give you the gift of faith. And strengthen it further by your active prayer life, by reading the Holy bible and by your presence at Holy Mass. - Marino J. Dasmarinas 

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