Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Reflection for August 11, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Luke 12:35-40

My Reflection:
There is a story of a holy man who would always find time for God and his fellowmen. When he was asked why he was like that he would always tell them that this is his way of preparing for the coming of the Lord. He would compare the coming of the lord with death which comes to us without warning at all.  

Jesus in our gospel for this Sunday tells us to always be prepared and vigilant servant of the Lord. To be like the Israelites in our first reading who patiently waited with faith and courage for God to liberate them from the bondage of the Egyptians.  

How could we become vigilant and prepared servant of the Lord? By serving and obeying the Lord without any reservation. By having faith in HIM faith that is alive and working. This is the only way wherein we could be prepared and vigilant servant of the Lord.

If death will come to us which will certainly happen on God’s appointed time. Then, we are prepared we have nothing to fear for we will be in heaven with God.

What if we are not prepared and not vigilant servants? Where will we end up?  

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