Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Reflections for Saturday February 4; 1st reading 1st Kings 3:4-13

My Reflections:
In our first reading the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and said: "Ask something of me and I will give it to you." Solomon did not ask for any material things; he instead asked for an understanding heart to judge the people and to distinguish right from wrong. Why did Solomon ask for this wisdom instead of temporary things?

Because the most important things in this world are not those that are seen or perceive by our worldly senses. The most important things are those that are felt by our hearts and minds. It doesn’t matter anymore if we are not rich if we don’t have power. It’s enough that we are able to guide, nurture and mentor those who are in our sphere of influence.

The legacy that lasts is not the structures that we’ve built but the hearts that we've touched and converted.

If the Lord will give us the same opportunity what will we ask from Him? 

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