Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Little Grain of Gold by: Rabindranath Tagore

I had gone begging from door to door in the village path, when a golden chariot appeared in the distance and I wondered who was this King of all kings!

My hopes rose high and  I thought my evil days were at an end, and I stood waiting for alms to be given unasked and for wealth scattered on all sides in the dust.

The chariot stopped where I stood. His glance fell on me and he came down with a smile. I felt that the luck of my life had come at last. Then all of a sudden he extended his right hand and said to me: What can you give me?’

Ah, what a kingly jest was it to open his palm to a beggar like me. I was confused and stood undecided, and then from my wallet I slowly took out the least little grain of corn and gave it to the King of all Kings.

But how great my surprise when at the day's end I emptied my bag on the floor to find a least little grain of gold among the poor heap. I bitterly wept and wished that I had the heart to give to him my all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This poem is very nice and teaches about the greediness of humans .