Saturday, June 05, 2010

My Gospel Reflection for June 6 Sunday Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ: Luke 9:11-17

My Reflections:Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) this is the same Body and Blood that we partake when we receive Holy Communion during the celebration of the Holy Mass.

There are countless stories about the miracles of the Body and Blood of Christ some are well known some are not there are even some that has not been told yet or perhaps it will never be told it will just be kept in the hearts and minds of those who adored and were enlightened by Jesus in the celebration of the Holy Mass and during their Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.

In the gospel there were more than five thousand people who were following Jesus and they have no food to eat. So the apostles told Jesus to dismiss them so that they can find a place where they can stay and eat.

But Jesus said to them: "Give them some food yourselves." And right there and then the miracle of the multiplication of the Bread slowly started to unravel before the apostles eyes with five loaves and two fish —they were able to feed more than Five thousand people.

The miracles of the multiplication of the loaves and fish emanated from the mercy and love of Jesus, let us remember that these people who’ve been following Him were the very same people whom He had performed miracles and healings: Jesus did not want them to go hungry and so He feed them all and they had more to spare.

These feeding of the multitude still happens today when we attend the celebration of the Holy Mass Jesus thru the priest during Holy Communion still gives us His blood and Body for us to partake.

Let us take notice of the actions of Jesus in the gospel: He looked-up to heaven, He blessed the bread broke them and He gave them to the disciples to give to the crowd who have nothing to eat. These actions are the very same actions that the priest does during the celebration of the Holy Mass during the second part of the Mass. (Liturgy of the Eucharist)

As Jesus was merciful and loving to the crowd in the gospel and to us also now; He wants us also to be His channel of mercy and love to our fellowmen. Let us remember this solemnity of the Body and Blood of our Lord by always making a big difference in the lives of those who are going hungry, those who have less in life, those who are poor in spirit and wealth and those who are already desperate because of poverty.

Let us be the living Body and Blood of Jesus. …

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