Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Gospel Reflections for May 28 Friday: Mark 11:11-25

My Reflections:
Is it bad to get angry? Yes it is bad to be angry for the wrong reason/s—however if we get angry for the right reason/s then it’s not bad.

In the gospel reading for today we see Jesus got angry for the right reasons twice: first when He cursed the fig tree and the second one was when He went to the temple and He saw that the temple was not being used for worship instead it was being used as a venue for money changers and other commercial things.

Anger per se is not bad for so long as we can rightly justify the origin of our anger—let us remember that Jesus Himself got angry.

Let us ensure that the anger that we’ve felt will not stay long in our hearts for at the end of the gospel reading Jesus tells us to forgive anyone against whom we have a grievance so that our heavenly Father may in turn forgive us of our transgressions. ...

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