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What do you usually do before making an important decision in your life? Do you first pray over it and ask the guidance of the Lord? Or you just make important decisions without asking the blessings of the Lord?
Before deciding to choose the twelve apostles Jesus went up first to the mountain to pray. There, He spent the whole night in prayer to God. This is the attitude of Jesus, He withdraws to a solitary place to commune with God and He asks for God’s guidance and blessings. With the blessing from God the apostles (except for Judas Iscariot) became His partner in advancing the faith.
Let us not make Jesus irrelevant in our lives by not praying to Him let us make time for Him. Let us not allow the many distractions of this world to get our attention from Jesus. For what is this world compared to Jesus? There is no comparison at all for this world is temporary, finite and time bound. While Jesus is everlasting, infinite and He is not confined by the limits of time.
In our secularist world today dominated by high tech gadgets, Facebook, Instagram, twitter and a lot more social media sites Jesus still matters. For the reason that Jesus gives hope, Jesus gives love and Jesus gives salvation. Therefore, embrace Jesus more than you embrace this world. – Marino J. Dasmarinas