Monday, November 09, 2020

Reflection for November 10 Tuesday, Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church (M) Luke 17:7-10

Gospel: Luke 17:7-10
Jesus said to the Apostles: “Who among you would say to your servant who has just come in from plowing or tending sheep in the field, ‘Come here immediately and take your place at table’? Would he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare something for me to eat. Put on your apron and wait on me while I eat and drink. You may eat and drink when I am finished’? 

Is he grateful to that servant because he did what was commanded? So should it be with you. When you have done all you have been commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.

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What characterize a meaningful life? It’s a life in service for God and our fellowmen. God brought us into this world not to be served but to serve. However, to serve God is not easy it’s in fact hard and tiring. Nevertheless, we have to serve no matter how hard and tiring so that we can help Jesus spread the faith.    

But what does it require to become a true servant? We have to be humble at all times for this is the only way that we can become true servants.   But do we have humility when we serve? Many of us oftentimes serve because we want to look good in the eyes of our fellow men and women. 

 Many of us oftentimes want to serve the poor because we want to look good in the eyes of Jesus. But we cannot fool Jesus, we may fool our fellow men and women but Jesus? We can never fool Him and we cannot hide from Jesus the true intent of our service for Him.  

The moment we decide to follow or serve God He surely would reward us The first reward that He will give us is peace of mind. And surely many other rewards will follow. These rewards may not be like the rewards that we expect from this world. But there surely will be a reward which is more profound and greater than any reward that this world can give us. 

Our reward may even not come in our lifetime yet it surely will come after our lifetime in this world. -  Marino J. Dasmarinas  

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