Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Reflection for June 16, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Luke 7:36-8:3

My Reflection:
A young lady who had five children from five different men was already labeled as an immoral sinner by her siblings and parents.  Her family has already given-up on her even if deep in her heart she was telling herself that she was ready to live a renewed life which is very different from her sinful past.

In our first reading for this Sunday we have King David who committed sin against God by coveting the wife of his soldier Uraih. He purposely feed Uriah to their enemies. So that he would be killed and hence possess his wife without any complications. The action of King David was sinful but notwithstanding his sin he was forgiven by God because he humbly admitted his sinfulness before God almighty.

Similarly, we have in our gospel a sinful woman who humbly went to Jesus to honor Him by kissing His feet and anointing it with ointment. She cried before Jesus as if begging Jesus for forgiveness and second chance. Jesus saw her humility and her honest desire to start a new life. That’s why despite of her grave sins she was forgiven by Jesus.

There is always hope and forgiveness for us sinners no matter how grave the sins that we have committed against Jesus. …      

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