Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Gospel Reflections for Friday July 29 Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time: Luke 10:34-42

My Reflections:
What was the better part that Mary did according to Jesus? Mary gave her time to Jesus by listening to Him. How about Martha? She was preoccupied   with worldly things that she had no time to sit down and listen to Jesus.

Martha is essentially very much like all of us very busy with worldly things such as to earn a living, to do our house chores, to take care of our family, to go on vacation and many more worldly activities.  There’s nothing wrong with these activities because we are presently citizens of this world.

But let us not give our everything to this fleeting and temporary world let us allocate precious time with Jesus let us allow Him to speak to us. There are some of us who complain that Jesus is deaf to our pleadings perhaps this is so because we very seldom sit-down and listen to Jesus. …

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