Saturday, March 05, 2011

My Gospel Reflections for March 6, Sunday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time: Matthew 7:21-27

My Reflections:
Why did Jesus said to the disciples that not everyone who calls on His name will enter the kingdom of heaven? Maybe this is in reference to those followers who invoke the name of God but they live their lives not according to what God wants it for them. This  statement may pertain also to the false prophets who use their gift of speaking to defraud gullible followers. 

There are still many of them right now in our present time; they use the name of God to advance their own personal interest. But the all almighty God knows everything about us, our selfish motives, our double speak, our desire to outwardly use His name in vain.

So what is the desire of God for us? Very simple, His desire is for us to become His true followers in words and in deeds.  We can perform many acts of healings, we can proclaim the name of God and it may be accepted by those who hear of it. But if we don’t live the teachings of Jesus then all of our acts will be in vain.   

Perhaps one of the best example if not the best human example of those who proclaimed the word of God in words and deeds is Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She magnificently proclaimed the word of God to everyone: the rich, the elite, the academics, the powerful and the poor. But she did not stop there she also lived her proclamations thru her humble deeds and acts of loving service to those who were very poor, those who were sick with leprosy, the dying and the unwanted. She humbly and lovingly took care of them all.

Mother Teresa listened to the word of God then she proclaimed and humbly lived it. She was like the wise man in the gospel who built his house upon a rock. This is the reason why she will soon be declared saint of the church. This is the reason why the congregation that she founded, the Missionaries of Charity is all over the world right now.

We are all challenged by Jesus through our gospel to be like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, to be like the wise man who built his house upon the solid rock of God. They both listened to the words of God and they both made it alive by living it through their life changing actions and though their humble deeds of selfless service for the people of God. …

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