Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Gospel Reflections for May 28 Friday: Mark 11:11-25

My Reflections:
Is it bad to get angry? Yes it is bad to be angry for the wrong reason/s—however if we get angry for the right reason/s then it’s not bad.

In the gospel reading for today we see Jesus got angry for the right reasons twice: first when He cursed the fig tree and the second one was when He went to the temple and He saw that the temple was not being used for worship instead it was being used as a venue for money changers and other commercial things.

Anger per se is not bad for so long as we can rightly justify the origin of our anger—let us remember that Jesus Himself got angry.

Let us ensure that the anger that we’ve felt will not stay long in our hearts for at the end of the gospel reading Jesus tells us to forgive anyone against whom we have a grievance so that our heavenly Father may in turn forgive us of our transgressions. ...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Gospel Reflections for Wednesday May 19: John 17:11-19

My Reflections:Anyone who knows that he will be permanently leaving the people that he loved will only wish the best for them.

In the gospel Jesus knew that the hour for His arrest is near and He knew very well that He will be permanently leaving His followers. That’s why He commanded them to God the Father for the Father to take care of them-that’s how much Jesus loved us He only want the best for us. He wants us to always be connected with God and be aware of His abiding love for us.

But the puzzle is this: there are some who purposely ignore the love of God—they know that the right way is to follow the way of God. But they choose to follow their own ways that leads them to sin.

We pray for their enlightenment that they would choose to embrace the love of God that is always there for them thru the celebration of the Holy Mass and thru the Sacrament of Confessions. ...

Monday, May 17, 2010

My First reading Reflections for Tuesday May 18: Acts 20:17-27

My Reflections:
In the first reading Saint Paul talks about the trials and difficulties in following Jesus—in spite of these odds Paul continued and he never allowed himself to be deterred by the trials. Until his death he remained true to his calling: To be a faithful servant of the Lord.

Some people have this misconception that the moment we decided to follow Jesus it will be a bed of roses already for our lives. It doesn’t work that way—the moment we decide to follow Jesus expect trials that would test the mettle of our discipleship.

We must be faithful no matter the hardship and trials for there will be a reward for us if not in our lifetime it surely will happen in our afterlife. …

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Gospel Reflections for Saturday May 15: John 16:23-28

My Reflections:
If we ask the Father though Jesus with faith we shall certainly receive it. However there are instances that God gives us answers that are somewhat hard for us to comprehend. However as we are enlightened by the Holy Spirit we shall realize that the incomprehensible was actually a blessing in disguise.

Think of the temporary setbacks that we encounter as we move forward with our lives—God gives us setbacks not to weaken us but to further strengthen us as we move-on with our lives.

Let us not waiver in asking God for guidance and help through; let us continue to trust our all knowing God for He knows what is best for us. …

Sunday, May 09, 2010

My Gospel Reflections for Monday May 10: John 15:26-16:4

My Reflections:
Is it hard to testify on behalf of Jesus? It’s hard for some for some its not—those who can boldly bear witness has the Advocate in them to strengthen them.

How then can we have the presence of the Advocate in our lives? It is thru the deepening of our faith on Jesus. Based on my experience the Advocate or the Holy Spirit manifest its presence in our lives after we’ve known Jesus deeply after which we are enlightened to feel the presence of the Advocate in our lives.

It is therefore paramount that we exert effort to know Jesus deeply; let us not be content with the knowledge about Jesus that is feed to us. Let us exert personal effort to have a first hand knowledge about Jesus. ...

Monday, May 03, 2010

My Gospel Reflections for Tuesday May 4: John 14:27-31

My Reflections:
Peace is what is missing in most part of our world right now; peace is what is missing in some of the families now; peace is what is missing in some of us right now.

Who then can address the absence of peace? It’s Jesus! He gives us peace that nobody in this world can give us. even if life is hard once we have Jesus in our hearts there would be peace within us.

Even if life is uncertain we shall have peace because we’ve already accepted Jesus as our Lord and personal savior. …