Sunday, August 10, 2008

A new responsibility for us: Purifying the Altar Vessels after Communion and serving as Sacristan during daily Mass.

During our regular meeting with Rev. Fr. Leonardo R. Bagos (Our Parish Priest) he told us that in the weekend Masses we already are in charge of purifying the vessels after Communion, we will do it in the credence table. He further told us that we must be careful in doing it so as to ensure that all of the small particles of Jesus’ Body will be put into the Chalice.

After we have purified the vessels using the purificator, one of us will have to drink the precious blood of Jesus with the small particles of His body in it. Then we now have to carefully arrange and prepare the Chalice, Purificator, Paten, Pall and the Corporal for the next Mass.

Fr. Bagos has also asked those who are available to serve as Sacristan during daily Mass.

We did not object because we knew that this is another opportunity for us to grow in faith and knowledge in the church.

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