Saturday, November 23, 2013

My Reflection for November 24, Solemnity of Christ the King, Luke 23:35-43

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My Reflection:
Who among us would want to follow the kingship of Jesus?  He is an image of human weakness, He hangs on the cross blooded ang dying. The rulers sneered at Him even the soldiers taunted Him. Jesus on the cross was seemingly helpless and it seems that God has forsaken Him already.

If we were present during that time of His crucifixion we would not dare also touch Him with a ten foot pole. We would have also silently walked away like the others who were disappointed with Jesus show of human weakness.

What if Jesus projected the image of king David in our first reading (warrior, conqueror and leader) of course everyone would have flocked to His side. But Jesus did not show any warrior like demeanor, instead He showed a defeated behavior that His followers did not want to see from Him. That’s why in His most trying times everyone who followed Him eventually deserted Him.

 But during His moment of human weakness someone recognized His kingship. It was the criminal hanging on the cross beside Him. What made the criminal recognize His power and kingship? That he even asked Jesus to remember him when He is in His kingdom. It was the criminal’s humility and unwavering faith in Jesus. We may ask, is it possible for a criminal to be humble and is it possible for a criminal to have an unwavering faith in Jesus? Yes it is very possible!

How could this gospel help us to have a firmer grasp of the kingship of Jesus? We must always humble ourselves before Him. For example, we always go to Mass and we humbly submit ourselves to the Sacrament of Reconciliation as often as possible. We must not forget also to always ask Jesus to increase our faith.

But sad to say, many of us are situational followers of Jesus only. …