Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My First Reading Reflections for June 30 Thursday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time: Genesis 22:1b-19

My Reflections:
With faith Abraham obeyed the command of the Lord to bring his son Isaac to be his offering. Abraham did not hesitate he simply obeyed, then when he was about to kill his son Isaac the Lord’s messenger intervened for he already passed the litmus test of his faith.

Our faith in the Lord is also tested by Him; several of us may already give-up and just walk away from HIM.

Like Abraham, some of us will remain faithful until the very end no matter how dark and dangerous the road ahead we will be steadfast and we will stay the course.

When there’s testing of our faith the best option to take is to be steadfast, hold-on tightly to your faith and stay the course no matter how gloomy the clouds are. Let us all remember that after the clouds there shall be sunshine and that is the blessings of God for those who remain faithful. … 

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

My Gospel Reflections for June 7 Tuesday of the Seventh Week of Easter: John 17:1-11

My Reflections:
Jesus said: I glorified you on earth by accomplishing the work that you gave me to do. It was mission accomplished for Jesus. In doing his mission there were also instances wherein he stopped for a while and reflected on the sufferings that he will have to go through but in spite of it all he still went through it.

How can we glorify God while we are in this world? It’s very simple: we must follow the way of Jesus. His way of sacrificial love, His way of Humility, His way of self-emptying and self-giving. Jesus was dutiful to the Father’s will; He never questioned God as to why He must pass through suffering. He simply followed the will of God for Him.

As Christians/Catholics we also have our own mission in the Lord’s vineyard. We need to share and live the good news about Jesus. 

The Touch Of The Master's Hand...

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Friday, June 03, 2011

My Gospel Reflections for June 4, Saturday of the Sixth Week of Easter: John 16:23-28

My Reflections:
To have network of friends is very important for us because there will come a time that we will be needing their help.  I think this is also the main reason why there are some who join fraternities, clubs and other organization. They join because they want to build a network of close friends who can directly or indirectly help them when the need arises.

There’s nothing wrong with it but before we join organization to strengthen our network we must ensure first that we are best friends with Jesus. We must see to it that we have this very deep intimacy with Him. For what reason? Because He is the Son of the Father Jesus has that hotline to the Father. He can aid us with our prayer request to the Father.

Jesus states in our gospel for today: ““Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.  

Just imagine if we’re best friends with Jesus, Just visualize how powerful we are if we are intimate with Jesus. …