Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Gospel Reflections for May 30, Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter: John 15:26-16:4

My Reflections:
The Holy Spirit that Jesus gave us all during our baptism it has always been there for us since we were baptized. But not everyone knows that it reside within us, it’s like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered by us.

But some of us do not discover it in our lifetime.

Jesus told His disciples that He will send the Advocate from the Father it’s the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father. He will send it to them because they’ve remained with Him since the beginning.  

If we will also be always on the side of Jesus, if we will not betray Him for the things and temptations of this world we will also feel the presence of the Advocate in our lives.

Are we always walking on the path of Jesus?

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Gospel Reflections for Tuesday; Fifth Week of Easter May 24: John 14:27-31

My Reflections:
Farewell normally involves trepidation and loneliness on the one who will leave and those who will be left behind this is always the scenario.

However, Jesus gives us a new thought about farewell that He only can give us and that is the feeling of peace and serenity. The peace and serenity that Jesus gives us is very unique because nobody can give it to us except Himself. We cannot find the peace that He gives us on any material wealth nor with any worldly possession.

If we think that the riches and trappings of this world will give us peace then we are badly mistaken it will not give us peace. Take a look at the many rich and famous people who committed suicide because their material wealth did not give them peace.  Take a look at those who take many anti depressant and sleeping pills just to buy peace for a brief moment after which they wake-up again with the same chaotic environment.

Jesus is the only one who can give us heavenly peace, discover Him and get intimate with Him.