Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Reunion/Originally Posted on April 30, 2007

April 29, was a day to remember. We went to Moonwalk Las PiƱas to attend the get together sponsored by Auntie Elsa. We went there for no other reason but to renew acquaintance with our relatives.

Upon arrival we were immediately ushered to the dining table and there we got our food. Then with our plates full, we joined our relatives in the veranda and slowly we eat and conversed with them as well. As the night was maturing the Karaoke music was also being kept busy by my relatives, all kinds of songs were being played and it was music to my ears to listen to them, although some of them were mangling the lyrics.

On our table I was busy eating pulutan, and I had a few shots of Red wine while at the same time silently listening to the friendly arguments of my relatives. The topics of the debates was varied: from the current slump of Miami Heat, an NBA team with superstar players like Shaq Oneil and Dwayne Wade being overpowered by the relatively young team of the Chicago bulls to the current political situation of our beloved province in Motiong Samar.

After a long while it was time to go home, we were given our presents directly brought in from the USA by Auntie Elsa...

As we were cruising home I was on a reflective mode... once in a while it's good to have this Reunion because it always reminds us of our older relatives who has made a difference in our lives...

Anointing of the Sick/Originally posted May 7, 2007

It was May 2 around 9:00 pm, a fellow Minister of the Holy communion called me, I was quite annoyed because it was time to relax and eventually retire for the day. I have not yet uttered a single word when he said, bong can we call Father Nards? (Our Parish Priest) I asked him? for what reason? And he told me that there is a gravely ill woman and she might go anytime. I thought about it for quite sometime because it was late in the night already and I don't want to disturb our Priest.

However, we went to the her house upon knocking on their gate we were meet by her son and we introduced ourselves as Extra Ordinary Ministers of the Communion . Then I asked him "Can we see your sick mother?" he said yes, we went inside and saw a very thin old woman lying on her bed. She can't talk anymore because she has cancer on her throat but she can still recognize. I looked closely at her, there was a sudden gush of emotion on me because I knew her face. I always see her attending Mass or Bible service and whenever she in the church she always caught my attention because she was always alone on the farthest pew, she was alone but she was constantly following the ceremony whether it was Mass or Bible service.

So we went home and I decided to text our Priest and told him that there is a gravely ill woman sick with cancer, she's near death, I further told him if it is possible for him to gave the last sacrament that night or early morning. after a few minutes I got a reply and he said. I am ready now, so I texted him back and said Father I will fetch you now. I hailed a tricycle and went to the church when we arrived Father was already prepared and we went to the house of the sick lady. Immediately Father put his stole and said: I am the Priest I will gave you the Anointing of the Sick .

It was so touching seeing the Priest laying his hand on the sick and praying at the same time. After Father was through we accompanied him back and said thank you very much Father.When I was going back home I said to myself thank you dear God for calling us and making us an instrument of your grace...