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Monday, November 09, 2020

Reflection for November 11 Wednesday, Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop (M): Luke 17:11-19

Gospel: Luke 17:11-19
As Jesus continued his journey to Jerusalem, he traveled through Samaria and Galilee. As he was entering a village, ten lepers met him. They stood at a distance from him and raised their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master! Have pity on us!” And when he saw them, he said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.”  

As they were going they were cleansed. And one of them, realizing he had been healed, returned, glorifying God in a loud voice; and he fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. He was a Samaritan. Jesus said in reply, “Ten were cleansed, were they not? Where are the other nine? Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?” Then he said to him, “Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.”

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The story is told about a young woman who was diagnosed with a severe sickness. Her doctor told him that she needs to undergo a dangerous operation upon reaching the age of twenty- five otherwise she would die. Having nothing except her faith this woman relied on nobody except Jesus. 

As years passed by she eventually reached the age of twenty-five yet nothing serious has happened to her neither did she went through a dangerous operation. She is still alive and in the pink of health. In gratitude for the healing that she received from Jesus she entered a convent to become a nun. 

Do you believe in the healing power of Jesus? 

Our faith in Jesus can easily heal us of any sickness no matter how severe. We simply have to ask Jesus with faith and He surely would give it to us. Yet in every healing that we receive from the Lord there is also an unwritten responsibility that we have to do. And that is to give thanks and humbly share the healing experience we had.   

The ten lepers who were healed by Jesus obviously had faith otherwise they would have not been healed.  But amongst the ten it was only the Samaritan who did not forget to go back to Jesus to humbly express His thanksgiving. 

How about the nine who were also healed, where did they go? Perhaps they went back to their respective environments and quietly resumed their lives there. Whom are we going to emulate here the nine Jews or the humble Samaritan?  The answer is no brainer we have to follow the example of the grateful and humble Samaritan. 

Do you always express your humble thanksgiving to Jesus for all the blessings that you receive from Him? – Marino J. Dasmarinas  

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