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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Gospel Reflections for Saturday September 24: Luke 9:43-45

My Reflections:
The disciples did not understand what Jesus meant when He said that He was to be handed over to men. I think they did not understand it because they were all used to Jesus the miracle worker and Jesus the healer. Even us if we were with the disciples at that time we will not also understand these utterance of Jesus.

But now we know what Jesus meant when He said that He was to be handed over to men.

What does this mean to you and me? It simply means that as we follow Jesus there shall be moments of seamless life, glory and triumph.  But let us not get drunk with these for there shall come a time that our discipleship shall be tested by the fire of trials and sacrifices.

Will we be able to steadfastly hold on to our discipleship when that time comes? 

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