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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Holy Mass

My first official activity for January 1, was to served in our 7:30 am Mass here at our parish church. For years, this has been my regular activity. For us Catholics January first (1) being the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God is also a holiday of obligation.

It is very good to start our first day of the year with our presence at Holy Mass because this is our highest form of worship to God. Aside from that, nothing can compensate with our presence at Mass. Without us knowing it, we derive a lot of blessings from it. Based on the history of the church a lot has been blessed with their regular attendance at Mass.

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, said, "If you don't get anything out of Mass, it's because you don't bring the right expectations to it.” The Mass is not entertainment, he said. It is worship of the God who made us and saves us. It is an opportunity to praise God and thank Him for all that He has done for us.

Bishop Sheen further said: “If we have a correct understanding of Mass, it will become more meaningful for us. We will want to go to Mass. We will understand why the Mass is God's precious gift to us, and we wouldn't think of refusing that gift.

My regular attendance at Mass has enormously changed me; why not give it a try?

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