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Monday, October 22, 2007

A very good poem for All Souls Day (Nov.2)

When I'm Gone

by: Lyman Hancock

When I’ve come to the end of my journey

And I have traveled my very last mile

Forget if you can that I’ve frowned

Remember only my smile...

Forgive unkind words I have spoken

Remember some good I have done

Forget I ever had heartache

And remember only our fun...

Forget that I've stumbled and fumbled

And sometimes fell by the way

Remember: I fought some hard battles

But had you at the close of my day...

Do not grieve for my going

I would not have you sad this day

But in time gather some flowers

And remember the place where I lay...

Perhaps in the shade of evening

When the sun paints the sky in the West

Come stand a few moments above me

Remembering only the best...

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